Marcus & Emmy of Linnea Sailing sailed across the Atlantic
ELMER the hydrogenerator đź’™ After sailing to Porto Santo (3 days) we figured there was no way we would make it across the Atlantic without stressing about the charging percentage of our batteries all the way. Those three days had been windy, cloudy and during the hours the sun was out it was always behind the sails casting minimal light on our solar panels. To make it, we had to run the engine to keep the batteries from flatting out. Something we absolutely hate!! Running the engine when there is wind to sail is a big NO NO for us.
So we ordered this hydrogenerator, had it delivered to the Canaries and installed it in Teneriffe before our first Atlantic crossing. And it’s been our best friend ever since!
The main reason why we like it so much is that it keeps on doing its thing; day and night, mile after mile. It just works! And except from having to clean it from sargasso now and then, it doesn’t require anything and you don’t notice it’s there.
For offshore sailing I would say it makes absolute sense to have something like this to take the stress of battery charging off your mind. It’s a great complement to our solar and the alternator on the engine. And as we don’t like the bulkyness of wind generators, this is the only thing that we found suitable.
We are not sponsored by Remoran, so I do not have to say this, but compared to what we have heard about other hydros breaking and being noisy, we are really glad we chose this one!
Watch their video on Facebook!
Sinikka & Jari spent the summer sailing in the Finnish archipelago.
[EN] Our first summer as pensioners! The summer of 2024 arrived, the one we had longed for! For the first time ever, we didn't know our return date from the sea, back home. It felt absolutely incredible! I recommend to everyone who is still working to live healthily enough to experience this freedom.
Our sailboat is a 38-foot Guyline from 1991. I am a gadget freak, which means high electricity consumption. In addition, I must shamefully admit that we watch TV for several hours in the evenings. We have 2 refrigerators. We use the second one only after shopping trips, when all our purchases don't fit in the boat's cupboards. We have 3 mobile phones, 2 iPads, plotters, gauges, autopilot and WLAN.
We have a Victron system, which includes a 1,200W inverter/charger. The boat has a 230V network. In addition, we have 2 electric scooters for city driving. So there is consumption. Our storage is a 170Ah Victron lithium battery system. We have 6 solar panels of about 250W each providing charge, and a Remoran hydrogenerator, which has been with us for 4 years now. Solar energy is already widely known, but I want to draw attention to the hydrogenerator.
A couple of summers ago, I acquired a Zero Code sail for the bow, and the self-tacking jib is thus always in place. This has led to us hardly using the engine anymore. In this way, charging is mainly done with the aforementioned devices. We belong to 2 sailing clubs, which have a total of over 30 bases. So we spend most of our days in these. In addition to this, we do a lot of anchoring. We usually only visit public harbors to replenish our supplies. Almost all harbors now charge 5 euros for connecting to shore power. It has felt incredibly nice to refuse shore power! When we arrive at the harbor, our battery system is always full, rain or shine.
We spent 9 weeks at sea last summer. We connected to the national grid 5 times. I especially thank the Remoran Hydro charger for this! Of course, also the panels, but the sun doesn't always shine at sea either. Still, we can drop anchor in a beautiful bay. A strong recommendation, based on our experience!
S/y Loulou and Sinikka & Jari
[FI] Eka kesä eläkeläisinä! 2024 koitti kauan kaipaamamme kesä! Ensimmäistä kertaa niin, että emme tienneet paluupäiväämme, meriltä kotiin. Tuntui aivan käsittämättömältä! Suosittelen kaikille, työssä käyville, elämään siinä määrin terveellisesti, että saisitte kokea tämän vapauden.
Purjeveneemme on 38-jalkainen Guyline, vuodelta 1991. Olen lelufriikki, mikä tarkoittaa suurehkoa sähkön kulutusta. Lisäksi joudun häpeäkseni tunnustamaan, että katselemme iltaisin tv:tä useamman tunnin. Kylmälaitteita meillä on 2 kpl. Toista käytämme ainoastaan kauppareissujen jälkeen, jolloin kaikki ostoksemme eivät mahdu veneemme kaappiin. Kännyköitä on 3, pädiä 2, plotterit, mittaristoja, autopilotti ja Wlan. Victron järjestelmä, johon kuuluu 1.200W: invertteri / laturi. Veneessä verkko 230V. Lisäksi meillä on 2 kpl. sähkö skuuttia, kaupunkiajoa varten. Joten kulutusta on. Varastona toimii 170Ah. Victron litium akusto. Latausta antaa 6 paneelia n. 250W. ja nyt 4. vuotta mukana ollut Remoran, hydrogeneraattori.
Aurinkoenergia tunnetaan jo laajasti, mutta haluan kiinnittää huomion Hydrogeneraattoriin. Hankin pari kesää sitten keulalle Zero Code purjeen ja itsejalustava fokka on näin aina paikallaan. Tämä on johtanut siihen, että emme käytä enää juurikaan moottoria. Näin lataus tapahtuu pääasiassa em. laitteilla. Kuulumme 2 pursiseuraan, joilla on yhteensä yli 30 tukikohtaa. Joten näissä tulee vietettyä suurin osa päivistä. Tämän lisäksi harrastamme runsaasti ankkurointia. Julkisissa satamissa käymme yleensä vain täydentämässä varastojamme. Lähes kaikissa satamissa veloitetaan nykyään 5 Eur. maasähköön liittymisestä. On tuntunut pienessä sielussa uskomattoman mukavalta kieltäytyä maasähköstä! Kun saavumme satamaan, on akustomme aina täynnä, satoi tai paistoi.
Vietimme viime kesänä 9 viikkoa merellä. Valtakunnan verkkoon liityimme 5 kertaa. Tästä kiitän erikoisesti Remoranin Hydro laturia! Toki paneeleita myös, mutta aina ei aurinko paista merelläkään. Silti voimme heittää ankkurin kauniin lahden poukamassa. Vahva suositus, kokemukseemme perustuen!
S/y Loulou ja Sinikka & Jari
Mia and Christian sailed from Australia to Tual.
[EN] We left the very north east part of Australia, Thursday Island all the way, 668 nautical miles, to the Island of Tual in east Indonesia. The moment we pulled in the anchor in Thursday Island we stopped the engine and immersed our Remoran Wave 3 Watergenerator (two long gliding rails, one on port side and the other on starboard).
All this sailing days we had good winds and cloudy skies. From the starting, till reaching Tual, we had all the time, apart from quick and easy side changes according to the back wind and the resulting boat bending, the Remoran Wave 3 immersed and operating non stop 660 nm, five days and four nights without a single use of the vessels engine! We encountered trading winds up to 28 Knots, high waves and reached sailing speeds up to 11 Knots down the waves.
The Remoran Wave 3 allowed us, during that cloudy days and dark nights, to keep our electrical requirements fully running, supporting our solar charging panels. During this time we did not need to switch off the fridge, could fully run the autopilot and even were able to produce about 400 liters of water!
Remoran Wave 3 was running constantly smoothly, nearly noise- or vibration free. The temperature of the Remoran 3 was never exceeding the 45 degrees C as shown in the App. The steer side changes of the device could be performed, easy, safe and quick!
- Mia and Christian
Tapio and Maria used the Remoran Wave 3 during ARC2021.
[FI] Riskit laskivat merkittävästi, kun emme olleet riippuvaisia moottorilatauksesta. Nyt käynnistelimme moottoria viiden päivän välein vain varmistaaksemme, että se lähtee ylipäätään käyntiin. En lähtisi pitkälle avomerilegille enää ilman hydrogeneraattoria, niin tasaisen ja luotettavan latauksen se tarjoaa.
[EN] Risks were significantly lowered due to not being dependent on the engine to charge batteries. Now we started the engine every five days just to make sure it still started. I wouldn't go on a long open-seas leg without a hydrogenerator anymore, due to how steady and reliable charging it provides.
- Tapio Jylhämö and Maria Valkeapää-Jylhämö
Ari Känsäkoski is sailing the Class 40 boat Fuji in the Global Solo Challenge 2024 and 2027. Remoran is in co-operation with Ari and supplies him the hydrogenerators.
[FI] Laite on ollut tosi paljon käytössä koko kesän. Meillä oli hieman ongelmia veneessä virran kanssa, kun virtaa karkasi yhdestä johdosta, mikä löydettiin vasta nyt loppukesästä. Hydro toimi hyvin virtaa ylläpitäen tämän ongelman aikana.
[EN] The device has been used a lot during the summer. We had a problem with the boat's electricity, current was escaping via a [faulty] wire, which was only found in the late summer. The hydrogenerator worked well keeping the current up during this problem.
- Ari Känsäkoski, Finnish Ocean Racing Association.
Poppy Moore chose Remoran Wave 3 for ocean cruising.
[EN] I fitted the Wave 3 and it has been a game changer! I was really happy with its ease of installation and use. It has also saved us for power as my DC to DC unit started making smokey smells and overheating on a passage. I had to turn off the engine and sail to a remote anchorage. We were low on power and water but I couldn’t risk running the water-maker due to the power issues. I told my crew I could disconnect the DC to DC and use my solar and hydrogenerator to recharge the batteries whilst on passage. This worked, we are safely in Bequia, the hydrogenerator made all the difference. We now have power & water! I’m recommending it to friends, its a well thought out solution!
- Poppy Moore
Severin Hummer used the Remoran Wave 3 on his Globe580-boat "Shrimp" in 2021.
[DE] Ich konnte nun ausgiebig den [Remoran Wave 3] testen und bin sehr zufrieden. Ich erzeuge vor allem auf Raumwind Kursen mehr Strom als ich benötige. Ich möchte mich nochmals bei [Remoran Oy] bedanke die mir den [Wave 3] zugeschickt haben.
[EN] I was able to test the [Remoran Wave 3] extensively and I am very satisfied. I generate more electricity than I need, especially on downwind courses. I would like to thank [Remoran Oy] again for sending me the [Wave 3].
- Severin Hummer, Lobster Sailing